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So we find ourselves isolated at home during this COVID19 crisis - we have been recruited as home schoolers, full time carers, work from home or new homebodies. Our socialising has morphed to online and if you’re anything like me, you'll have your news on and your mobile in your hand for rolling updates.

The uncertainty can be terrifying and confusing.

We’re all trying to do our best and get through day by day but one thing I’ve found to get me out of bed in the morning is hope - hope that this time for us at home will be spent bettering ourselves, growing in new ways, expanding our children’s minds and furthering our relationship with them.

Forced isolation with those closest to you can be confronting… but is it exactly what we need?

Taking the horrible threat of the virus out of the equation, is spending time in solitude really that bad? Getting to know yourself, reading a good book, working without distractions, not working to the clock, helping your child, sitting with your partner over a coffee or wine? Cooking at home each night only hours after having a family lunch - I don’t know about you but I cant remember having regular family lunches together before now.

I hope that after we have all done our bit to squash this virus and spent our time at home only with our immediate family that only the most important and cherished parts of everyday life return.

I hope that we all book that beautiful holiday or spend time at our stunning local beaches and appreciate what we have, waves, sand, sunrises and sunsets, the feel of the splash of water hitting your face. The smell of the salty sea.

I hope that we all get back to the stores and local boutiques and forget the loneliness of online shopping. A true shopping experience is not bargain hunting or a quick fix, Instead imagine how nice it is to take your time, browse the stores and enjoy the experience, be fitted for your swimwear, dresses or accessories and LOVE your purchases, because you took the time to appreciate and admire and make sure that piece is perfect for you.

I hope we socialise with friends who’s voices and faces on the phone or screen got us through these days, enjoy hugging them and feeling them in your arms, enjoy seeing their smile face to face and have a laugh. Tell stories over wine, comfort each other over coffee.

For now, keep moving and exercising - perhaps this is a time for you to set personal goals, feel your own achievement that is so personal to you - not work related, but personal. Get fitter, push yourself a little harder, read some books, learn some skills, build something. Breathe.

Take this time to get to know you and create the version you’ve always wanted...don’t do it to share on insta or facebook, do it to share only with yourself and those who you take time to actually speak with.

Until the days come where we are comfortable going back to life outside of home, after coronavirus, we are here to support you. If you would love to get a new swimsuit or dress or anything to help motivate you along (sometimes this is a brilliant help), we will be here to answer your questions, help you get the right fit or set you on the right track. We have even put on a huge sale to help make it more affordable for you right now to grab the pieces you need or want and we are dispatching everyday.

If jewellery is more your thing or you want to grab yourself a little motivational reward, our jewellery range which is all hand made bespoke and stunning is half price for a short time.

Let’s keep supporting each other, our family, our friends and neighbours and our local stores.

We want to build up our own community so when we are in need, the community is there for us too.
